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4441 North Interstate 10 Service Road West
Metairie, LA, 70006
United States

(504) 648-3477

Conversations about organ, tissue and eye donation with hosts Lori Steele, Sally Gentry and Joey Boudreaux. Our goal is to raise awareness about the need for the life saving gifts of organ, tissue & eye donation. Help the Gifted Life Podcast share the latest information about donation and transplantation, share this podcast with your family and friends. Share your inspiring stories with us or give us a call at (504) 648-3477. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

2018 Transplant Games of America

Making Life Happen

2018 Transplant Games of America

Chillon Caraway

TGA 18 Medal Count.png

Look at those numbers!

If you see a member of Team Louisiana, shake their hand. Congratulate them. Give em a high five.

Thank them!

From 8/2/18 through 8/8/18, members of Team Louisiana participated in a variety of competitions at the Transplant Games of America to show how the gift of life has transformed their lives!

We are so proud of your hard work and perseverance. Your efforts reflect the #DonateLife spirit of giving!

Members of The Gifted Life Podcast team were in Utah to document all the excitement, help participants tell their stories, honor heroes and give a play by play to share with family and friends back in Louisiana.

Check out all the videos and photos below.

Learn about the Transplant Games of America by listening to episode 88 with our guest TGA CEO, Bill Ryan.

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Plus, while you’re listening, subscribe for free on your favorite podcast app because GUESS WHAT?!?! We have more stories from TGA 2018 in Salt Lake City coming your way on The Gifted Life Podcast in the weeks to follow!

Like our page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @giftedlifepod

High five!

Tell a friend about The Gifted Life Podcast and registering as an organ, eye and tissue donor!

Pictures with Team Louisiana in Utah

Click on the picture or here for a link to the entire TGA photo album.The album will be updated with all the pictures captured at the 2018 Transplant Games soon. If you don't see the picture you are looking for, check back often!

Click on the picture or here for a link to the entire TGA photo album.

The album will be updated with all the pictures captured at the 2018 Transplant Games soon. If you don't see the picture you are looking for, check back often!

Videos with Team Louisiana in Utah